PING: RFR: 8241439: jdk.NativeLibraryEvent hooks all opened regular files
David Holmes
david.holmes at
Thu Apr 16 02:01:47 UTC 2020
Hi Yasumasa,
Not a review - sorry.
On 16/04/2020 10:30 am, Yasumasa Suenaga wrote:
> PING: Could you review it?
> JBS:
> webrev:
> Yasumasa
> On 2020/04/09 16:00, Yasumasa Suenaga wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Please review this change:
>> JBS:
>> webrev:
>> HotSpot has os::get_loaded_modules_info() to get all loaded native
>> libraries, however it would call callback in twice on same library on
>> Linux. Also it would call callback even if the file is not a library.
I'm not at all sure I agree with the problem as presented. If I examine
a mapfile I see for example:
7fb0400f0000-7fb0402b3000 r-xp 00000000 08:03 21081
7fb0402b3000-7fb0404b3000 ---p 001c3000 08:03 21081
7fb0404b3000-7fb0404b7000 r--p 001c3000 08:03 21081
7fb0404b7000-7fb0404b9000 rw-p 001c7000 08:03 21081
and I would expect to get the callback called for each of those lines
because they report different mapped ranges. Is your approach
consolidating this to a single callback with a contiguous range? Is that
the kind of information people want to see? (I have no idea).
As for filtering out memory-mapped files like classes.jsa ... while it
is not a library as such it may be useful information to present. So
perhaps the filtering should be done in the client code rather than in
the os::get_loaded_modules_info() code?
But this functionality was added purely for JFR so I think it is best if
the JFR folk determine what is and isn't wanted here.
>> We can see this problem in jdk.NativeLibrary JFR event as below:
>> ```
>> jdk.NativeLibrary {
>> startTime = 16:59:06.621
>> name = "/usr/lib64/"
>> baseAddress = 0x7FDB06ACC000
>> topAddress = 0x7FDB06AF1000
>> }
>> jdk.NativeLibrary {
>> startTime = 16:59:06.621
>> name = "/usr/lib64/"
>> baseAddress = 0x7FDB06AF1000
>> topAddress = 0x7FDB06C40000
>> }
>> :
>> ```
>> ```
>> jdk.NativeLibrary {
>> startTime = 16:59:06.621
>> name =
>> "/home/ysuenaga/OpenJDK/jdk/build/linux-x86_64-server-fastdebug/images/jdk/lib/server/classes.jsa"
>> baseAddress = 0x800000000
>> topAddress = 0x800007000
>> }
>> ```
>> This change uses dl_iterate_phdr() to get them, so these problem has
>> gone.
>> Thanks,
>> Yasumasa
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