[aarch64-port-dev ] Question about CompressedKlassPointers::range

Andrew Haley aph at redhat.com
Tue Apr 21 15:59:22 UTC 2020


On 4/21/20 3:31 PM, Thomas Stüfe wrote:
> this is a followup question, mainly for aarch64, to
> https://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/aarch64-port-dev/2020-April/008757.html
>  .
> CompressedKlassPointers has a range field, only used by aarch64 afaics,
> introduced with "8193266: AArch64: TestOptionsWithRanges.java SIGSEGV".
> I read its bug description and the patch. If I understand the problem,
> before CDS the assumption was that CompressedClassSpaceSize is synonymous
> with the range of values narrow Klass pointers could have; which seems
> logical, but that assumption was broken since CDS and now the encoding
> range must span both the ccs and the cds archives.
> The range is used inside MacroAssembler::klass_decode_mode() to decide
> whether to use the OR mode.
> I see this being set in three places:
> 1) at cds dumptime, to 4G
> 2) at cds runtime, to CompressedClassSpaceSize, and
> 3) if cds is disabled it keeps its default value of 4G.
> I may miss something here. Would (2) not be too small? Should that size not
> include the size of the archives?

I believe so.

> We map first the archives, lets say they
> are 300MB, after that ccs, lets say 1G default, would that not mean any
> Klass residing toward the end of the ccs - if it were to fill up, which it
> almost never does - would have an offset larger than the initially assumed
> range and hence not correctly OR-able with the base anymore?

How would that happen? If someone maps CDS space miles from CCS,
you mean? OK, but that'd be a pointless thing to do.

> And I'm not sure (3) is correct either since the range we could encode in
> theory is 32G with shift=3. In practice this is today no problem. Today
> CompressedClassSpaceSize is artificially capped at 3G. If that were ever to
> change, and someone would set it to >4G, this should cause problems too, no?

Yes, it would. It'd be a fool thing to do, but that doesn't mean it
won't happen. We really don't need more than 3G, after all.

> If my assumption about (2) is correct, it could be the error is just well
> hidden either because MacroAssembler::_klass_decode_mode is already
> initialized, using the default value (3). Or because it is difficult to
> allocate so many classes to trigger this error.

(2) looks wrong.

> As a more general question: CompressedKlassPointers::range(), as in
> "the expected range of narrow Klass pointer values", I guess it
> makes sense to keep it as small as possible, right? Instead of, say
> hard-coding it to 32G?

Yes, it does.

> Since the smaller the expected range of narrow pointers is, the more
> probable we could choose the OR mode?

At the moment the probability of being able to do that is so high that
if it fails I'd expect it'd be a bug.

> Oh, and on aarch64, how "good" is that OR mode compared with the "movk"
> mode on aarch64? Since it seems to be preferred?

A shift is sometimes slower than a simple XOR, so a shift is never
preferred. Beyond that it's impossible to say for sure because there
are many independent implementations, some of which I have never seen,
but I doubt that there's a huge difference. Any 4G range is probably

Bear in mind, though, that people designing AArch64 hardware today are
benchmarking OpenJDK and making decisions based on what HotSpot
does. For that reason, changing what we do without a really good
reason isn't the best idea.

Andrew Haley  (he/him)
Java Platform Lead Engineer
Red Hat UK Ltd. <https://www.redhat.com>
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