RFR 8251490: [TESTBUG] The Java thread stack size specified is too small for nsk/stress/stack. Specify at least 448k
Harold Seigel
harold.seigel at oracle.com
Wed Aug 19 17:31:51 UTC 2020
Hi Gerard,
Thanks for approving these changes!
I had already looked into what "-eager" meant so it wasn't difficult to
look at it again. I think it is poorly named and worth understanding.
I agree that 15 minutes is too long to run these tests. Normally they
run in a few minutes or less.
Thanks, Harold
On 8/19/2020 1:17 PM, gerard ziemski wrote:
> hi Harold,
> On 8/18/20 2:54 PM, Harold Seigel wrote:
>> Hi Gerard,
>> Thanks for looking at this change. Please see inline comments.
>> On 8/18/2020 2:06 PM, gerard ziemski wrote:
>>> hi Harold,
>>> Thank you for fixing this.
>>> On 8/18/20 12:19 PM, Harold Seigel wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Please review this small change to fix five
>>>> vmTestbase/nsk/stress/stack tests that are failing in tier5 on
>>>> Linux AArch64. The change increases the stack size for three of
>>>> the tests. Increasing the stack size of the other two tests could
>>>> result in timeouts on other platforms. So, those tests were
>>>> changed to no longer run on AArch64.
>>>> Open Webrev:
>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~hseigel/bug_8251490/webrev/index.html
>>>> JBS Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8251490
>>>> The change was tested by running the tests as part of mach5 tier5
>>>> on Windows, Mac, Linux x64, and Linux AArch64.
>>>> Thanks, Harold
>>> It looks reasonable to me, but I have some questions:
>>> #1 Does "-eager" really make much difference here? Do you have any
>>> timing numbers you can provide with and without that flag, just so
>>> that we know how much it helps?
>> This change does not affect the use of "-eager". "-eager" has been
>> part of the tests at least as far back as JDK-11. The only affect of
>> running with "-eager" is to prevent the creation of a Terminator
>> thread that waits a designated amount of time before calling
>> System.exit(). Its purpose is described here in Terminator.java:
>> /**
>> * Terminator is used to terminate a stress test with PASS exit
>> status
>> * before the test is terminated as timed out (and so failed).
>> *
>> * Terminator class holds a thread which sleeps for the given amount
>> * of time, and then wakes up and executes System.exit()
>> * with the given exit status. That thread is daemon, so it doesn't
>> * prevent application from exiting once all its threads finish
>> * before it's time for termination. Appointing terminator in zero
>> * delay implies immediate exit().
>> *
>> * There is a limitation: you may appoint no more than one terminator
>> * per application.
>> */
> Sorry Harold, I did not mean to make you investigate this option. I
> thought this was something else (i.e. compile java methods instantly).
>>> #2 How did you determine the the 900s timeout? How long does it take
>>> for a regular, middle of the road machine to execute each test? Do
>>> we use any slow/low end machines in our testing that could take
>>> longer than this time out? (I'm worried about that hardcoded time
>>> out value if you can tell)
>> I did not determine the 900s timeout. That also has been in the
>> tests for at least as far back as JDK-11. When working on
>> JDK-8139875, I ran the tests many times with different stack sizes
>> both locally and with mach5 and looked at the run times for the
>> tests, making sure they were all significantly below the timeout. So
>> far, the tests have run as part of tier5 for almost two weeks without
>> timing out.
>> The purpose of this proposed change is provide stack size values that
>> will work on AArch64.
> That part looks fine.
>> Do you think a new bug is needed to address the use of -eager and the
>> 900s timeout?
> 900s is 15 minutes. On one hand it needs to be long enough for tests
> not to timeout, but if any of these test need to run for such long,
> then it seems excessive. But no, I don't think this needs to be
> investigated further if your fix solves the issue at hand.
> Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions.
> cheers
>> Thanks, Harold
>>> cheers
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