RFR 8251490: [TESTBUG] The Java thread stack size specified is too small for nsk/stress/stack. Specify at least 448k

Nick Gasson nick.gasson at arm.com
Thu Aug 20 03:08:27 UTC 2020

Hi Harold,

On 08/19/20 01:19 am, Harold Seigel wrote:
> Please review this small change to fix five vmTestbase/nsk/stress/stack
> tests that are failing in tier5 on Linux AArch64.  The change increases
> the stack size for three of the tests.  Increasing the stack size of the
> other two tests could result in timeouts on other platforms.  So, those
> tests were changed to no longer run on AArch64.
> Open Webrev:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~hseigel/bug_8251490/webrev/index.html

Sorry this comment is a bit late, but stack008 and stack0019 are passing
for me on an AArch64 system with 4k page size (the default for Ubuntu)
so it seems a shame to disable them unconditionally. I think PPC64 can
also be configured with 64k pages which would presumably have the same

Could we add a new jtreg property vm.pageSize and then make the
@requires line vm.pageSize == 4096 instead of os.arch != "aarch64"? I'm
happy to do that myself as this was pushed already.


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