PING: RFR: 8250598: Hyper-V is detected in spite of running on host OS
Baesken, Matthias
matthias.baesken at
Tue Aug 25 11:22:19 UTC 2020
the latest webrev looks good to me .
I tested additionally on VMWare / Xen / KVM and the detection worked nicely .
You might want to rephrase this comment (it sounds a little strange to me)
1821 // In case of Xen, it might be appear until 0x40010000.
Don't need to see another webrev for this .
Best regards, Matthias
>On 2020/08/18 23:39, Doerr, Martin wrote:
>> Hi Yasumasa,
>> thanks a lot for measuring and improving the overhead. This version looks much better.
>> I still wonder what the reason was for using a stub. There was probably a reason, but I don't remember.
>It might be called in many times, so I made change would generate stub in first.
>VM_Version::check_virtualizations() would call CPUID 256 times (0x40000000 to 0x40010000 step 0x100),
>and also I changed it is used to call CPUID with EAX = 0x40000007 in Hyper-V.
>> Hopefully, Matthias can find time for another review when he's back next week.
>Yeah, I want to commit this change after his review.
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