RFR: Implementation of JEP 387: Elastic Metaspace (round two)

Thomas Stüfe thomas.stuefe at gmail.com
Sat Sep 12 10:23:51 UTC 2020

Hi Reviewers,

about the file renamings with the ms prefix, could I ask for more opinions?
I am fine with both new and old variant, but at the moment it's a tie,
since Coleen's and Leo's requests contradict each other.

Thanks a lot!


> 1) Aesthetics
> Some of you requested style changes so there are a lot:
> - Most files in memory/metaspace/ now follow a common theme with a common
> prefix ("ms"). The only exception is metaspacesSizesSnapshot.(cpp|hpp)
> which I plan to remove in a follow up (see JDK-8251342).
> I really don't like the ms prefix on all the files at all.  I didn't think
> there were any conflicting names in the metaspace directory but if there
> were, they could be renamed.  Now the class names don't match the file
> names!  The other thing about sort of generic names in the metspace
> directory, even if they don't match other names in the system, like
> binList.hpp or blockTree.hpp, is that they can provide a hint to people
> before they write similar code.  These could be a basis for generalization
> into the utilities directory if possible.
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~stuefe/jep387/review-2020-09-04/webrev-all/webrev/src/hotspot/share/memory/metaspace/msContext.cpp.html
> For example in this case, the class name is MetaspaceContext which is a
> much better name than MSContext.
> Sorry I didn't object to this sooner on the thread.

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