RFR: 8252324: Signal related code should be shared among POSIX platforms

Doerr, Martin martin.doerr at sap.com
Wed Sep 23 09:39:37 UTC 2020

Hi Gerard,

sorry for the long delay. It took time to get our nightly tests working again on AIX.
I have seen an issue, but it may be unrelated to your change. We'll retest it.

Note that there's still unused code left in os_aix.cpp (see below).
Thanks again for taking care of AIX. I appreciate having more shared POSIX code.

Best regards,

diff --git a/src/hotspot/os/aix/os_aix.cpp b/src/hotspot/os/aix/os_aix.cpp
index 02568cf..eb84217 100644
--- a/src/hotspot/os/aix/os_aix.cpp
+++ b/src/hotspot/os/aix/os_aix.cpp
@@ -1550,134 +1550,6 @@ void os::print_jni_name_suffix_on(outputStream* st, int args_size) {
   // no suffix required

-// sun.misc.Signal support
-static void
-UserHandler(int sig, void *siginfo, void *context) {
-  // Ctrl-C is pressed during error reporting, likely because the error
-  // handler fails to abort. Let VM die immediately.
-  if (sig == SIGINT && VMError::is_error_reported()) {
-    os::die();
-  }
-  os::signal_notify(sig);
-extern "C" {
-  typedef void (*sa_handler_t)(int);
-  typedef void (*sa_sigaction_t)(int, siginfo_t *, void *);
-// The following code is moved from os.cpp for making this
-// code platform specific, which it is by its very nature.
-// a counter for each possible signal value
-static volatile jint pending_signals[NSIG+1] = { 0 };
-// Wrapper functions for: sem_init(), sem_post(), sem_wait()
-// On AIX, we use sem_init(), sem_post(), sem_wait()
-// On Pase, we need to use msem_lock() and msem_unlock(), because Posix Semaphores
-// do not seem to work at all on PASE (unimplemented, will cause SIGILL).
-// Note that just using msem_.. APIs for both PASE and AIX is not an option either, as
-// on AIX, msem_..() calls are suspected of causing problems.
-static sem_t sig_sem;
-static msemaphore* p_sig_msem = 0;
-static void local_sem_init() {
-  if (os::Aix::on_aix()) {
-    int rc = ::sem_init(&sig_sem, 0, 0);
-    guarantee(rc != -1, "sem_init failed");
-  } else {
-    // Memory semaphores must live in shared mem.
-    guarantee0(p_sig_msem == NULL);
-    p_sig_msem = (msemaphore*)os::reserve_memory(sizeof(msemaphore), NULL);
-    guarantee(p_sig_msem, "Cannot allocate memory for memory semaphore");
-    guarantee(::msem_init(p_sig_msem, 0) == p_sig_msem, "msem_init failed");
-  }
-static void local_sem_post() {
-  static bool warn_only_once = false;
-  if (os::Aix::on_aix()) {
-    int rc = ::sem_post(&sig_sem);
-    if (rc == -1 && !warn_only_once) {
-      trcVerbose("sem_post failed (errno = %d, %s)", errno, os::errno_name(errno));
-      warn_only_once = true;
-    }
-  } else {
-    guarantee0(p_sig_msem != NULL);
-    int rc = ::msem_unlock(p_sig_msem, 0);
-    if (rc == -1 && !warn_only_once) {
-      trcVerbose("msem_unlock failed (errno = %d, %s)", errno, os::errno_name(errno));
-      warn_only_once = true;
-    }
-  }
-static void local_sem_wait() {
-  static bool warn_only_once = false;
-  if (os::Aix::on_aix()) {
-    int rc = ::sem_wait(&sig_sem);
-    if (rc == -1 && !warn_only_once) {
-      trcVerbose("sem_wait failed (errno = %d, %s)", errno, os::errno_name(errno));
-      warn_only_once = true;
-    }
-  } else {
-    guarantee0(p_sig_msem != NULL); // must init before use
-    int rc = ::msem_lock(p_sig_msem, 0);
-    if (rc == -1 && !warn_only_once) {
-      trcVerbose("msem_lock failed (errno = %d, %s)", errno, os::errno_name(errno));
-      warn_only_once = true;
-    }
-  }
-static void jdk_misc_signal_init() {
-  // Initialize signal structures
-  ::memset((void*)pending_signals, 0, sizeof(pending_signals));
-  // Initialize signal semaphore
-  local_sem_init();
-static int check_pending_signals() {
-  for (;;) {
-    for (int i = 0; i < NSIG + 1; i++) {
-      jint n = pending_signals[i];
-      if (n > 0 && n == Atomic::cmpxchg(&pending_signals[i], n, n - 1)) {
-        return i;
-      }
-    }
-    JavaThread *thread = JavaThread::current();
-    ThreadBlockInVM tbivm(thread);
-    bool threadIsSuspended;
-    do {
-      thread->set_suspend_equivalent();
-      // cleared by handle_special_suspend_equivalent_condition() or java_suspend_self()
-      local_sem_wait();
-      // were we externally suspended while we were waiting?
-      threadIsSuspended = thread->handle_special_suspend_equivalent_condition();
-      if (threadIsSuspended) {
-        //
-        // The semaphore has been incremented, but while we were waiting
-        // another thread suspended us. We don't want to continue running
-        // while suspended because that would surprise the thread that
-        // suspended us.
-        //
-        local_sem_post();
-        thread->java_suspend_self();
-      }
-    } while (threadIsSuspended);
-  }

 // Virtual Memory

> -----Original Message-----
> From: hotspot-runtime-dev <hotspot-runtime-dev-retn at openjdk.java.net>
> On Behalf Of Gerard Ziemski
> Sent: Mittwoch, 16. September 2020 18:00
> To: hotspot-runtime-dev at openjdk.java.net
> Subject: RFR: 8252324: Signal related code should be shared among POSIX
> platforms
> hi all,
> Please review this change that refactors common POSIX code into a separate
> file.
> Currently there appears to be quite a bit of duplicated code among POSIX
> platforms, which makes it difficult to apply single fix to the signal code.
> With this fix, we will only need to touch single file for common POSIX
> code fixes from now on.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> The APIs which moved from os/bsd/os_bsd.cpp to to
> os/posix/PosixSignals.cpp:
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> //
> // signal support
> void os::Bsd::signal_sets_init()
> sigset_t* os::Bsd::unblocked_signals()
> sigset_t* os::Bsd::vm_signals()
> void os::Bsd::hotspot_sigmask(Thread* thread)
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> //
> // sun.misc.Signal support
> static void UserHandler(int sig, void *siginfo, void *context)
> void* os::user_handler()
> void* os::signal(int signal_number, void* handler)
> void os::signal_raise(int signal_number)
> int os::sigexitnum_pd()
> static void jdk_misc_signal_init()
> void os::signal_notify(int sig)
> static int check_pending_signals()
> int os::signal_wait()
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> //
> // suspend/resume support
> static void resume_clear_context(OSThread *osthread)
> static void suspend_save_context(OSThread *osthread, siginfo_t* siginfo,
> ucontext_t* context)
> static void SR_handler(int sig, siginfo_t* siginfo, ucontext_t* context)
> static int SR_initialize()
> static int sr_notify(OSThread* osthread)
> static bool do_suspend(OSThread* osthread)
> static void do_resume(OSThread* osthread)
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> /////
> // signal handling (except suspend/resume)
> static void signalHandler(int sig, siginfo_t* info, void* uc)
> struct sigaction* os::Bsd::get_chained_signal_action(int sig)
> static bool call_chained_handler(struct sigaction *actp, int sig,
>                                  siginfo_t *siginfo, void *context)
> bool os::Bsd::chained_handler(int sig, siginfo_t* siginfo, void* context)
> int os::Bsd::get_our_sigflags(int sig)
> void os::Bsd::set_our_sigflags(int sig, int flags)
> void os::Bsd::set_signal_handler(int sig, bool set_installed)
> void os::Bsd::install_signal_handlers()
> static const char* get_signal_handler_name(address handler,
>                                            char* buf, int buflen)
> static void print_signal_handler(outputStream* st, int sig,
>                                  char* buf, size_t buflen)
> void os::run_periodic_checks()
> void os::Bsd::check_signal_handler(int sig)
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> The APIs which moved from os/posix/os_posix.cpp to
> os/posix/PosixSignals.cpp:
> const char* os::Posix::get_signal_name(int sig, char* out, size_t outlen)
> int os::Posix::get_signal_number(const char* signal_name)
> int os::get_signal_number(const char* signal_name)
> bool os::Posix::is_valid_signal(int sig)
> bool os::Posix::is_sig_ignored(int sig)
> const char* os::exception_name(int sig, char* buf, size_t size)
> const char* os::Posix::describe_signal_set_short(const sigset_t* set, char*
> buffer, size_t buf_size)
> void os::Posix::print_signal_set_short(outputStream* st, const sigset_t* set)
> const char* os::Posix::describe_sa_flags(int flags, char* buffer, size_t size)
> oid os::Posix::print_sa_flags(outputStream* st, int flags)
> static bool get_signal_code_description(const siginfo_t* si,
> enum_sigcode_desc_t* out)
> void os::print_siginfo(outputStream* os, const void* si0)
> bool os::signal_thread(Thread* thread, int sig, const char* reason)
> int os::Posix::unblock_thread_signal_mask(const sigset_t *set)
> address os::Posix::ucontext_get_pc(const ucontext_t* ctx)
> void os::Posix::ucontext_set_pc(ucontext_t* ctx, address pc)
> struct sigaction* os::Posix::get_preinstalled_handler(int sig)
> void os::Posix::save_preinstalled_handler(int sig, struct sigaction& oldAct)
> --------------------------------------------------------
> --------------------------------------------------------
> --------------------------------------------------------
> Public APIs which are now internal static PosixSignals::
> sigset_t* os::Bsd::vm_signals()
> struct sigaction* os::Bsd::get_chained_signal_action(int sig)
> int os::Bsd::get_our_sigflags(int sig)
> void os::Bsd::set_our_sigflags(int sig, int flags)
> void os::Bsd::set_signal_handler(int sig, bool set_installed)
> void os::Bsd::check_signal_handler(int sig)
> const char* os::Posix::get_signal_name(int sig, char* out, size_t outlen)
> bool os::Posix::is_valid_signal(int sig)
> const char* os::Posix::describe_signal_set_short(const sigset_t* set, char*
> buffer, size_t buf_size)
> void os::Posix::print_signal_set_short(outputStream* st, const sigset_t* set)
> const char* os::Posix::describe_sa_flags(int flags, char* buffer, size_t size)
> oid os::Posix::print_sa_flags(outputStream* st, int flags)
> static bool get_signal_code_description(const siginfo_t* si,
> enum_sigcode_desc_t* out)
> void os::Posix::save_preinstalled_handler(int sig, struct sigaction& oldAct)
> ------------------------------------------------
> Public APIs which moved to public PosixSignals::
> void os::Bsd::signal_sets_init()
> void os::Bsd::hotspot_sigmask(Thread* thread)
> bool os::Bsd::chained_handler(int sig, siginfo_t* siginfo, void* context)
> void os::Bsd::install_signal_handlers()
> bool os::Posix::is_sig_ignored(int sig)
> int os::Posix::unblock_thread_signal_mask(const sigset_t *set)
> address os::Posix::ucontext_get_pc(const ucontext_t* ctx)
> void os::Posix::ucontext_set_pc(ucontext_t* ctx, address pc)
> ----------------------------------------------------
> Internal APIs which are now public in PosixSignals::
> static void jdk_misc_signal_init()
> static int SR_initialize()
> static bool do_suspend(OSThread* osthread)
> static void do_resume(OSThread* osthread)
> static void print_signal_handler(outputStream* st, int sig, char* buf, size_t
> buflen)
> --------------------------
> New APIs in PosixSignals::
> static bool are_signal_handlers_installed();
> -------------
> Commit messages:
>  - removed white spaces
>  - Refactored common POSIX signal code into seperate file
> Changes: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/157/files
>  Webrev: https://webrevs.openjdk.java.net/?repo=jdk&pr=157&range=00
>   Issue: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8252324
>   Stats: 5247 lines in 21 files changed: 1740 ins; 3400 del; 107 mod
>   Patch: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/157.diff
>   Fetch: git fetch https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk pull/157/head:pull/157
> PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/157

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