Integrated: 8250984: Memory Docker tests fail on some Linux kernels w/o cgroupv1 …

Harold Seigel hseigel at
Fri Sep 25 17:19:17 UTC 2020

On Thu, 24 Sep 2020 18:32:38 GMT, Harold Seigel <hseigel at> wrote:

> Please review this change to fix memory docker tests failures on some Linux kernels w/o cgroupv1 swap limit
> capabilities.  The fix works by detecting that swap limit capabilities are not available and returning non-swap related
> information.  For example, if memory and swap usage is requested, and swap limit capabilities are not available, then
> only memory usage is returned.  The fix was tested by running container tests on systems with and without swap limit
> capabilities.  Additionally, the changes were regression tested by running tier1 and tier2 tests on Windows, Linux x64,
> and Mac OS, and running tier3 - tier5 tests on Linux x64.

This pull request has now been integrated.

Changeset: 01875677
Author:    Harold Seigel <hseigel at>
Stats:     115 lines in 8 files changed: 56 ins; 11 del; 48 mod

8250984: Memory Docker tests fail on some Linux kernels w/o cgroupv1 …

Reviewed-by: bobv, sgehwolf



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