RFR: JDK-8266503: [ul] Make Decorations safely copy-able and reduce their size (first attempt, closed)

Thomas Stuefe stuefe at openjdk.java.net
Thu May 6 05:29:53 UTC 2021

On Wed, 5 May 2021 19:32:38 GMT, Xin Liu <xliu at openjdk.org> wrote:

> I read this patch and PR #3874. IMHO, I don't think PR #3874 is over this patch in terms of "makes the code easier to understand and read." The change is obviously bigger(+238 −117) than this one. Is it worth it?

Be fair, a lot of those lines is added *tests*, which had not been there before, and added comments, which this code sorely needed. The code size of logDecorations.cpp/hpp is smaller now.

I reduced the patch size somewhat further.

> To me, the only critical drawback of storing resolved c-string is i18n. As a matter of fact, unified logging doesn't put i18n into consideration, so it is not an issue.
> A universal buffer seems cleaner than scatter fields, doesn't it?

In my opinion no. 

> Reducing size(from 368 -> 56 bytes on Linux x64) is appealing, but it actually has very limited impact on real performance.

Really? It decreases your planned message buffer size, no?

> I am not a reviewer. Those are all my personal opinions. Take it as a grain of salt. I can go either way.

I close this PR now in favor of the other one.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/3855

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