RFR: 8231031: runtime/ReservedStack/ReservedStackTest.java fails after jsr166 refresh

David Holmes dholmes at openjdk.java.net
Thu May 13 01:17:55 UTC 2021

On Tue, 11 May 2021 23:32:24 GMT, David Holmes <dholmes at openjdk.org> wrote:

> Please see the bug report for detailed description of the issue. The simple fix for the test is to disable inlining of the lock() method (something which I think the existing MaxInlineLevel flags were trying to achieve but didn't).
> Testing:
>  - before fix I ran the test 50x on linux-x64, macos-x64 and macos-aarch64 product and fastdebug -> 300 failures
>  - after: 300 successes
>  - I also ran the fixed version 50x across all platforms using the test flags from tiers 1 through 8 (total of 1408 test runs) with zero failures or crashes. 
> Thanks,
> David

Thanks Dan. I'll push this now.

I also ran the fixed version of the test, 50x across all platforms using the test flags from tiers 1 through 8 (total of 1408 test runs) with zero failures or crashes. So confidence is high. :)


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/3989

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