RFR: 8261455: Automatically generate the CDS archive if necessary

Ioi Lam iklam at openjdk.java.net
Tue Oct 19 04:42:50 UTC 2021

On Mon, 18 Oct 2021 21:22:26 GMT, Yumin Qi <minqi at openjdk.org> wrote:

> Please review,
>   When shared archive (dynamic archive) failed to map due to damage of the archive file, dump/run jdk version mismatch or non-existence file etc, the new patch will automatically create a new shared archive if -XX:+AutoCreateSharedArchive specified with the name based on SharedArchiveFile.
>   This is a revised patch based on the old PR: 5077 and after bug 8273152 integrated.
> Tests: tier1,tier2,tier3,tier4
> Thanks
> Yumin

Changes requested by iklam (Reviewer).

src/hotspot/share/cds/dynamicArchive.cpp line 376:

> 374:   Arguments::set_dynamic_archive_path(archive_name);
> 375:   if (!AutoCreateSharedArchive) {
> 376:     // When dump at exit, prepare_for_dynamic_dumping already called.

The interaction between AutoCreateSharedArchive, DynamicDumpSharedSpaces and Arguments::GetSharedDynamicArchivePath() seem too complicated (also see the changes in jvm.cpp). One problem is SharedDynamicArchivePath is used both for (a) the dynamic archive to map and (b) the dynamic archive to write.

Maybe we should separate (a) and (b)? (b) should be set at VM start-up:

- if -XX:ArchiveClassesAtEx=foo.jsa is set:
  -  <archive to write>=foo.jsa
- If -XX:+AutoCreateSharedArchive -XX:SharedArchiveFile=bar.jsa, AND bar.jsa 
  -  <archive to write>=bar.jsa

If we do this, the changes in before_exit() shouldn't be necessary anymore.

test/hotspot/jtreg/runtime/cds/appcds/dynamicArchive/TestAutoCreateSharedArchive.java line 81:

> 79: 
> 80:         // 0. run with non-existing archive should automatically create dynamic archive
> 81:         print("0. run with non-existing archive should automatically create dynamic archive");

Is it possible to number the test case using the same numbering system as in the error handling specification in


This way, we can tell why each test case is written. We can also check that all test cases in the specification are covered.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/5997

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