RFR: 8275775: VM.metaspace prints flag 'f' for classes that overrided finalize() [v2]

David Holmes dholmes at openjdk.java.net
Tue Oct 26 04:55:14 UTC 2021

On Tue, 26 Oct 2021 02:37:41 GMT, Yi Yang <yyang at openjdk.org> wrote:

>> Some customers want to observe which loaded classes have overridden the finalize() method. I found that VM.metaspace can output detailed classes. It seems feasible to add 'f' flag to it. With this patch, I found that ZipFileSystem left a finalize after applying this patch, which was obsolete 5 years ago, maybe we should remove it?
> Yi Yang has updated the pull request incrementally with three additional commits since the last revision:
>  - Merge branch 'ms_report' of https://github.com/kelthuzadx/jdk into ms_report
>  - use has-nontrivial-finalize
>  - 8275775 VM.metaspace prints flag 'f' for classes that overrided finalize()

A couple of spelling nits but otherwise ok. Thanks for the updates.

Please update the JBS title and PR title to refer to "non-trivial finalize()"


src/hotspot/share/memory/metaspace/printMetaspaceInfoKlassClosure.cpp line 46:

> 44:   // Print a 's' for shared classes
> 45:   _out->put(k->is_shared() ? 's' : ' ');
> 46:   // Print a 'f' for classes that having a non-trivial finalize() method

s/a/an/  (as 'f' is pronounced eff it gets treated as a vowel)


Marked as reviewed by dholmes (Reviewer).

PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/6075

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