RFR: 8281213: Unsafe uses of long and size_t in MemReporterBase::diff_in_current_scale [v2]

Afshin Zafari duke at openjdk.org
Thu Dec 15 19:53:04 UTC 2022

On Thu, 15 Dec 2022 11:40:38 GMT, Evgeny Astigeevich <eastigeevich at openjdk.org> wrote:

>>> The predicates : `amount + _scale/2 <= SIZE_MAX` and its equivalent `amount <= SIZE_MAX - _scale/2` are always true.
>> You are not correct. `amount + _scale/2 <= SIZE_MAX` is always true but `amount <= SIZE_MAX - _scale/2` is not.
>> Example:
>> Let's SIZE_MAX to be 255 and _scale to be 10. SIZE_MAX, _scale and amount are `unsigned char`.
>> When `amount` is 252, the expression `amount + _scale/2 <= SIZE_MAX` is evaluated as:
>> - `a = amount + _scale/2`
>> - `a <= SIZE_MAX`
>> So we have:
>> - `a = 252 + 10/2 == 257 % 256 => 1`
>> - `1 <= 255 => true`
>> Now evaluate `amount <= SIZE_MAX - _scale/2`:
>> - `a = SIZE_MAX - _scale/2` => `a = 255 - 5` => 250
>> - `amount <= a` => `252 <= 250` => false
>> You can see that `amount <= SIZE_MAX - _scale/2` detects overflow.
>>> I used `(a + b) > a` where `b != 0` for finding if an overflow happened or not.
>> This works for unsigned types in C++ but the result is undefined for signed types. In your code:
>>     int64_t amount = s1 - s2;
>>     int64_t scale = (int64_t)_scale;
>> So according to the C++ standard, the result of `(amount + scale / 2) > amount` is undefined if overflow happens.
> My code follows https://wiki.sei.cmu.edu/confluence/display/c/INT30-C.+Ensure+that+unsigned+integer+operations+do+not+wrap for correct handling unsigned wrapping.
> I recommend you to read 
> - https://wiki.sei.cmu.edu/confluence/display/c/INT31-C.+Ensure+that+integer+conversions+do+not+result+in+lost+or+misinterpreted+data
> - https://wiki.sei.cmu.edu/confluence/display/c/INT32-C.+Ensure+that+operations+on+signed+integers+do+not+result+in+overflow

Thank you for your help. I liked the references you sent me, and I learned a lot.
Can you also help me in replacing SSIZE_MAX with something portable to windows? I got errors on windows-x64-*debug builds on mach5.


PR: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/11514

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