Integrated: 8298730: Refactor subsystem_file_line_contents and add docs and tests

Johan Sjölen jsjolen at
Mon Jan 9 10:26:03 UTC 2023

On Wed, 14 Dec 2022 10:18:32 GMT, Johan Sjölen <jsjolen at> wrote:

> Hi!
> Citing the ticket directly:
> The function subsystem_file_line_contents does the simple job of parsing lines in a file, but does so in a fairly complex way. This function can be simplified. The function also has a surprising API, as you need to know that in one case the format string needs to take 2 specifiers, instead of 1. 
> Some more context:
> `subsystem_file_line_contents` either parses files that look like this:
> one_value
> Called as: `subsystem_file_line_contents(ctrl, fname, nullptr, "%s")`
> Or like this:
> key1 val1
> key2 val2
> Called as:  `subsystem_file_line_contents(ctrl, fname, "key1", "%s %s")`
> The API for the key/value case is changed to: `subsystem_file_line_contents(ctrl, fname, "key1", "%s")`. Note: `"%s"`, not `"%s %s"`.

This pull request has now been integrated.

Changeset: 500c3c17
Author:    Johan Sjölen <jsjolen at>
Stats:     279 lines in 5 files changed: 219 ins; 15 del; 45 mod

8298730: Refactor subsystem_file_line_contents and add docs and tests

Reviewed-by: sgehwolf, iklam



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