<i18n dev> Using system tzdata

Keith Seitz keiths at redhat.com
Mon Sep 10 13:10:45 PDT 2007

Masayoshi Okutsu wrote:
> Sorry for taking time to respond.


> I've filed an RFE for this request to 
> make sure Sun's JRE supports the same mechanism. Sun's Change Request ID 
> (aka bug ID) is 6593486.

I'll add my comments/patch there, too, but I wanted to briefly let you 
know what I've been up to with all of this.

>     * I think the "java." name space should be avoided for this purpose.
>       "user.timezone.dir" should be OK.


>     * I'd also suggest that "/usr/share/zoneinfo/java" be changed to
>       something like "/usr/share/javazi" because Java runtime may search
>       files under /usr/share/zoneinfo to detect the platform time zone
>       setting. It costs extra to skip all the files under
>       /usr/share/zoneinfo/java if the directory comes before other
>       directories in /usr/share/zoneinfo. Also I think
>       /usr/share/zoneinfo should contain the native Olson time zone data
>       files only.


>     * I'm not sure if the current implementation is robust enough to be
>       able to reject all broken data files. It does check magic numbers,
>       though. You may need extra tests with random directory paths. Or
>       you could add more checking to see if the directory is right, such
>       as existence of the ZoneInfoMappings file.

I've added a little something so that the code will check for a 
ZoneInfoMappings file before using the user.timezone.dir property. 
Beyond this, there seems little reason to do any more extreme error 
checking. The default is still to use the supplied, built-in tzdata. If 
the user sets user.timezone.dir to something else, he should be aware of 
what he is doing!

Thank you for your feedback,
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