<i18n dev> Using system tzdata

Brian Beck brian.beck at sun.com
Fri Jan 25 08:48:14 PST 2008

Point taken.  Since the discussion was about maintenance of all the 
existing (non-open source at least for the moment) JDKs, we did not have 
it on this alias.  But there's nothing secret about the topic and it 
does impact the openjdk.  We'll summarize for the gang here.


Dalibor Topic wrote:
> Masayoshi Okutsu <Masayoshi.Okutsu at ...> writes:
>> Sorry again for taking time. Finally, I talked to some sustaining team 
>> members in Ireland to make a decision on the long-term tzdata 
>> maintenance issue. We've determined [...]
> Hi,
> I've tried to find that discussion in the mailing list archives, but I couldn't
> find it. Could you point me to it, or, in case it was not on this list, post it
> for your fellow OpenJDK developers to read?
> thank you in advance,
> dalibor topic

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