<i18n dev> CFV: Project sponsorship: Java Locale Enhancement

Naoto Sato Naoto.Sato at Sun.COM
Wed Oct 1 11:16:05 PDT 2008

Greetings, voting members of the Internationalization/Localization Group!

Question: Should the Internationalization/Localization Group sponsor the 
"Java Locale Enhancement Project[1]"?

Please cast your vote by replying, publicly, to this message with either

Vote: yes


Vote: no

as the first line of the message body.

You may, at your option, indicate the reason for your decision on 
subsequent lines.

Votes must be cast in the open; votes sent as private replies will not 
be counted.

The sponsorship decision will be made by a simple majority vote of the 
Group's Members.  Votes are due by midnight UTC next Wednesday, 8 
October.  As an optimization, if an absolute majority of the Group's 
Members votes one way or the other prior to that time then the decision 
may be rendered earlier.  Once a decision has been made the votes will 
be tallied and reported to this list and also to discuss at 

Only Members of the Internationalization/Localization Group are eligible 
to vote on this decision.  The current Members are:

     Michael Fang
     Yong Huang
     Yuka Kamiya
     Steven Loomis
     Masayoshi Okutsu
     Naoto Sato
     Jiri Tusla

Thank you.
Naoto Sato


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