<i18n dev> getCalendarInstance for Service Provider Interface

Naoto Sato Naoto.Sato at Sun.COM
Fri Feb 6 13:00:23 PST 2009

Unfortunately, you cannot provide Calendar instances for your locale 
through the SPI.  The caller could set the firstDayOfWeek on the 
instantiated calendar object, though.


Fiestas .Net wrote:
> Hello,
> I made a SPI extension that implements Basque (eu_ES) locale at:
> http://java-basque-locale.googlecode.com
> One of the users of the extension has reported an issue about
> Calendar.getCalendarInstance(basqueLocale) method. It happens that for
> the Basque Locale I developed the calendar it returns has as the
> firstDayOfTheWeek the Sunday, when it should be the Monday.
> But I haven't found any abstract method to resolve the issue.
> Is there any way to do it?
> Thank you.

Naoto Sato

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