<i18n dev> TimeZoneNameProvider

Naoto Sato naoto.sato at oracle.com
Thu Jun 24 10:43:11 PDT 2010

Looks like a bug to me. Please go ahead and file a bug.


(6/23/10 2:31 PM), Yoshito Umaoka wrote:
> Hi there,
> We have our own TimeZoneNameProvider implementation. It looks Java does
> not pick up localized names from our implementation when long standard
> name translation is not available for the ID and locale (in other words,
> getDisplayName(ID, false, TimeZone.LONG, locale) returns null). That
> means, you cannot provide only short name translation by an SPI
> implementation.
> If this behavior is intended, the API documentation should clearly state
> the condition. I personally think that Java should pick up names even a
> provider supports a subset although.
> Should I file a bug for this problem?
> Thanks,
> Yoshito Umaoka

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