<i18n dev> Fwd: Re: Codereview Request: 7039066 j.u.rgex does not match TR#18 RL1.4 Simple Word Boundaries and RL1.2 Properties

Xueming Shen xueming.shen at oracle.com
Wed Apr 27 10:14:09 PDT 2011

  Thanks Alan!  webrev has been updated accordingly.


On 4/27/2011 8:51 AM, Alan Bateman wrote:
> Xueming Shen wrote:
>> :
>> UNICODE_CHARACTER_CLASS is clear and straightforward. I am OK with it.
>> The webrev, ccc and api docs have been updated accordingly.
>> Yes, I still need a reviewer for the implementation changes. Tom has 
>> helped review
>> the doc (and the definition of those properties).
> I've gone through the implementation changes. Looks good and I didn't 
> see anything obviously wrong. A couple of minor comments:
> In UnicodeProp.forName it might be more efficient to eliminate the 
> containsKey and instead check whether get returns null. Also, should 
> this only be ignoring IAE rather than Exception?
> In Pattern.java L912 I guess you didn't mean to change "string" to 
> "stringg". Another one at L1317 - "if UNICODE_CHARACTER_CLASS 
> presents" - I assume this should be "present".
> You might want to check the headers on the new tests - looks like 
> you've included the header that has the classpath exception, also they 
> claim to have been written years ago. UnicodeProp is also confused 
> about its birthdate.
> -Alan

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