<i18n dev> Maybe some not useful code in sun.awt.im.InputContext

Naoto Sato naoto.sato at oracle.com
Mon Dec 5 11:16:02 PST 2011

Hi Charles,

Even though your finding below sounds right, I would not remove that 
piece of code, unless we are sure that it would not cause any regression.


On 12/2/11 9:45 AM, Neil Richards wrote:
> On Fri, 2011-12-02 at 16:53 +0800, Charles Lee wrote:
>> Hi guys,
>> I am doing some code reading through the input method framework. Once I
>> meet sun.awt.im.InputContext, I find the code (line 228), it says:
>> // Ignore focus events that relate to the InputMethodWindow of this
>> context.
>> // This is a workaround.  Should be removed after 4452384 is fixed.
>> Does 4452384 mean:
>> http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=4452384 ?
>> If it is, 4452384 has been fixed.
>> Should the code below be removed?
> Hi Charles,
> Judging by the ownership list held by the '2d' group [1],
> sun.awt.im.InputContext is owned by the 'i18n' group.
> Based on this, I'm moving this conversation across to the 'i18n-dev'
> mailing list, so the folk there can consider your observation.
> Regards, Neil
> [1] http://openjdk.java.net/groups/2d/2dawtfiles.html

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