<i18n dev> Fwd: Some differences on Window UDC area

Charles Lee littlee at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Tue Mar 29 00:00:18 PDT 2011

On 03/28/2011 11:06 PM, Alan Bateman wrote:
> Charles Lee wrote:
>> :
>> It looks similar. How can I find the patch quickly? I notice it says 
>> "the list is attached to this CR". Is it CR-6183404? Since cr has the 
>> pattern cr.openjdk.java.net/~username/id, how can I know who is the 
>> committer to this CR?
> cr.openjdk.java.net is the place where we push webrevs when a patch is 
> out for review. I don't think this one is one anyone's list for jdk7 
> and the list attached to the bug is likely the list of incorrect 
> mappings. If this is fixed then I assume the fix will update the 
> mappings in jdk/make/tools/CharsetMapping/MS936.map.
> -Alan
I have output more bytes[1] to see whether other bytes are encoded 
correctly. But unfortunately it is not. It is kind of like, on windows, 
using ms936, PUA of ms936 use the PUA of gb18030. In wikipedia, it says 
gb18030 is compatible with gbk which ms936 implemented. Can we conclude 
that ms936 should follow the gb18030's behavior?

[1] 0xE585, 0xE586, 0xE587, 0xE588, 0xE589, 0xE58a, 0xE58b, 0xE58c, 
0xE58d, 0xE58e, 0xE58f, 0xE590, 0xE591, 0xE592,  0xE593, 0xE594, 0xE595, 
0xE596, 0xE597,  0xE598, 0xE599,  0xE59a, 0xE59b, 0xE59c, 0xE59d, 
0xE59e, 0xe79f.
Using MS936 charset, we expect:
but we got:
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