<i18n dev> Codereview request for 7096080: UTF8 update and new CESU-8 charset

Xueming Shen xueming.shen at oracle.com
Thu Oct 13 12:13:42 PDT 2011

On 10/13/2011 09:55 AM, Ulf Zibis wrote:
> Am 11.10.2011 19:49, schrieb Xueming Shen:
>> I don't know which one is better, I did a run on
>>     private static boolean op1(int b) {
>>         return (b >> 6) != -2;
>>     }
>>     private static boolean op2(int b) {
>>         return (b & 0xc0) != 0x80;
>>     }
>>     private static boolean op3(byte b) {
>>          return b >= (byte)0xc0;
>>     }
>> with 1000000 iteration on my linux machine,  and got the scores
>> op1=1149
>> op2=1147
>> op3=1146
>> I would interpret it as they are identical.
> Me too. thanks for your effort.
> Maybe the comparison would differ on different architectures.
> So I would prefer opt3, because the others ...
> 1. in question need 1 more CPU register to save the original value of 
> b for later usage
> 2. need 1 more constant to load into CPU
> and opt 3 ...
> 3. is the best readable source code
> 4. in question seems best to help Hotspot finding best optimization on 
> arbitrary architectures.

I doubt it's more "readable":-), given it's the "byte operation" means
"<0x80 && >= 0xc0" in int. You need "b" to be byte for b >= (byte)0xc0
to be the equivalent of "<0x80 && >= 0xc0" and all use cases in UTF-8
existing implementation the "b" has been stored in "int" already.  Arguably
you can update the whole implementation to achieve this, but personally
I would like to just stick to the problem this proposal is trying to solve.

And, no, for the same reason I don't want to replace all "(b & 0xc0) != 0x80
by "isNotContinuation(b)", they just look fine for me, together with their
neighbors, such as "<0x80 && >= 0xc0".


> Additionally I guess using always byte variables would in question 
> help HotSpot to optimize with 1-byte-operand CPU instructions.
> Don't you like to replace all "(bx & 0xc0) != 0x80" by 
> "isNotContinuation(bx)" ?
> -Ulf

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