<i18n dev> Venezuela Currency has been changed to BS.F. now

Yong Jeffrey Huang yong.huang at oracle.com
Tue Aug 7 20:01:40 PDT 2012

Hi Daven,

The symbol change is correct.  The internal CR(change request) number of 
this bug is 7189611, and I assigned myself as the responsible engineer. 
When you fix and integrate the bug, could you please add the CR number 
and its synopsis in your change set comments.

Please refer to http://openjdk.java.net/guide/producingChangeset.html. 
In section Formatting a Changeset Comment, there is the example.

"<bugid>: <synopsis-of-symptom>" should be "7189611: Venezuela current 
Currency should be Bs.F."

When the bug fix is integrated, could you please notify me, so that I 
can update the CR status.


For regression testing, I think you do not need to add 

You need to add below lines in the end of 
#bug 7189611

and also add 7189611 at the end of @bug in comments in 

Change Set for your reference is 

BTW, I am not qualified to be a formal reviewer in JDK project.


On 2012/8/7 15:35, Deven You wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have searched from both wikipedia and windows config, the Venezuela 
> currency symbol is already updated from "BsF. to " "Bs.F.".
> The ISO 4217 also map current Venezuela currency to "Bs.F.". I have 
> made a patch[1] to reflect this change. Could anyone take a look!
> Thanks a lot!
> [1] http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~youdwei/ojdk-292/webrev.00/ 
> <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/%7Eyoudwei/ojdk-292/webrev.00/>

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