<i18n dev> Review request : 7180362: RFE: Implement date cutover functionality for currency.properties file

Naoto Sato naoto.sato at oracle.com
Wed Aug 29 11:55:26 PDT 2012

Hi Sean,

It looks good overall. There are some minor comments that I have below. 
All in Currency.java

Line 666: Comments refer to "GMT", while the class description uses 
"UTC." I'd use "UTC" here as well (and in the actual code on line 728).

Line 681, "countOccurrences(curdata, ',') == 3": Should "==" be ">="?

Line 727: For locale invariant operation, I'd use "Locale.ROOT".

Line 731-734: These can be simplified to "return 
System.currentTimeMillis() >= time;"


On 8/28/12 6:48 AM, Seán Coffey wrote:
> 7180362 deals with an enhancement to allow the JRE specify cutover dates
> when currency.properties file is provided. I've added the required
> syntax to the new javadoc comments in Currency class.
> bug report :http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=7180362
> webrev : http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~coffeys/webrev.7180362.1.jdk8/
> <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/%7Ecoffeys/webrev.7180362.1.jdk8/>
> I hope to port an almost identical change to 7u shortly. (minus API
> javadoc comments)
> I've kept the testcase logic different to the JRE logic around how the
> new property is parsed to better
> test the golden result expectations. (both approaches should be equal)
> Regards,
> Sean.

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