<i18n dev> [8] Code review request: 8000983 and 8003267

Masayoshi Okutsu masayoshi.okutsu at oracle.com
Fri Dec 7 08:05:45 PST 2012

Thank you for your review comments.

On 12/7/2012 5:49 AM, Naoto Sato wrote:
> Here are my comments:
> - Bundle.java
> Line 277,297: Do we need two separate iteration loops here? Two 
> iteration loops look like the same.

These loops need to be separated to make inheritance work correctly.

> Line 303: typo "paris"
> Line 606: typo "Someting"


> Line 728: Could use foreach here.

I'm hoping it can avoid one assignment. But probably no difference after 

> - CLDRConverter.java
> Line 388: The FormatData bundle is now "OPEN", which used to be "PLAIN"?


> - FormatData_xx.java
> Line: xxx: In some resource bundles, the array for DayNarrows 
> duplicates other array. Can be combined with it like in 
> FormatData.java buddhist/japanese ones.

Yes, but it's a lot of work. And that change may make test data 
maintenance difficult. Unchanged (for now).

> - CalendarNameProviderImpl.java
> Line 84: The int[] can be statically created.


> - LocaleResources.java
> Line 74: Variable name "olrb" stands for OpenListResourceBundle, so 
> "tznb" would better fit here.


In addition, GenericTimeZoneNamesTest.sh and NarrowNamesTest.sh were 
fixed to detect failures correctly. No other changes.

Updated webrev:



> Naoto
> On 12/5/12 9:06 PM, Masayoshi Okutsu wrote:
>> Resending in order to include build-dev at openjdk.java.net and
>> build-infra at openjdk.dev.java.net.
>> Hi,
>> This is a review request for two RFEs.
>> http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=8000983
>> http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=8003267
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~okutsu/8/8000983.8003267/webrev.00/
>> I haven't added generic time zone names to the JRE resources except for
>> the "en" resources. I've filed another RFE for this item (JDK-8004278).
>> Thanks,
>> Masayoshi

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