<i18n dev> Locale patch for Slovenian date format data: dots are missed in the datetime for Slovanian

Deven youdwei at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Sun Mar 4 21:52:35 PST 2012

Hi i18n-devs,

I find there is a problem in Slovenian Locale. In Slovenian Locale, days 
in a date must with a dot '.', like Oct 23rd 2011 will be 23. oktober 
2011. Without the '.', 23 oktober 2011 basically means Twenty-three of 
October, instead of the Twenty-third of October.

Current oracle 6/7/8 all miss the dot '.', so this patch [1] will add 
dot after the days to correct the date expression in Slovenian Locale.

The attached test case [2] shows the the diffrence with/without this 
patch. The output of this test case are:

without this patch:
Ponedeljek, 5 marec 2012

with this patch:
Ponedeljek, 5. marec 2012

This test case may not be very useful, so I hope anyone can give me some 
suggestions about how to refine the test case?

[1] http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~youdwei/slovenian_formatData/webrev.00/ 

[2] SlovenianFormatDataTest.java

Thanks a lot!

Best Regards

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