<i18n dev> Review Request for CR : 7050528 Improve performance of java.text.DecimalFormat.format() call stack

Olivier Lagneau olivier.lagneau at oracle.com
Wed Sep 12 10:19:24 PDT 2012

Please review The implementation of a fast-path algorithm for optimizing 
the DecimalFormat.format(double, ...) call stack.

The webrev is here :

As described in the CR evaluation and suggested fix, the speed-up on a 
dedicated micro-benchmark
is more than x10 on either SPARC or x86 architectures. The footprint 
cost is ~6kbytes from a static
char array constant data to collect digits from integer values.

There is an associated regression test, together with a micro-benchmark 
that may be run optionally.

Olivier Lagneau, olivier.lagneau at oracle.com
Oracle, 180 Av. de l'Europe,
ZIRST de Montbonnot, 38334 Saint Ismier, FRANCE
Phone : +33 4 76 18 80 09 Fax : +33 4 76 18 80 23

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