<i18n dev> [8] Request for review: 8029239: jdk8 l10n resource file translation update - localenames

Michael Fang michael.fang at oracle.com
Tue Dec 3 17:10:42 PST 2013


Please help to review the changes for the following CR:

The webrev is available here:

The changes included the following:

Portuguese files were updated with resources generated from CLDR 2.1. 
LocaleNames_pt_BR.properties have been removed as a result. Regression 
tests were performed and failed tests were updated to be compatible with 
the changes to CLDR 2.1.

There are also translation capitalization changes. I did some research 
about capitalization rules and found that for Spanish, French, Italian, 
Portuguese, and Swedish, language names are not capitalized, but country 
names are and these are consistent with CLDR as well.

References about capitalization
es, fr, it, sv, pt, etc

French: http://french.about.com/library/writing/bl-capitalization.htm
Italian: http://www.translationdirectory.com/article714.htm
Swedish: http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Swedish/Nationalities

There are also translation changes performed by translators. I reviewed 
each change against CLDR. I only accepted the changes that's consistent 
with CLDR since I don't know the languages and could only use CLDR as a 

I did not add new regression tests for the translation changes since 
there are no formatting changes, just translation changes. We have a 
keyword noreg-l10n that covers the exception for requiring regression 
tests for translation changes.



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