<i18n dev> RFR: 8025051: Update resource files for TimeZone display names

Aleksej Efimov aleksej.efimov at oracle.com
Tue Dec 24 05:21:23 PST 2013

Masayoshi, Michael,
Many thanks for reviewing this fix and for all your comments.

Can I ask someone for a JDK8 commit sponsorship? The hg export is 
located here: 

Also, I want to take this opportunity and wish a Merry Christmas and 
Happy New Year to all OpenJDK community members (at least members who 
read this letter :) ).


On 12/24/2013 10:39 AM, Masayoshi Okutsu wrote:
> Looks good to me.
> Masayoshi
> On 12/23/2013 3:14 AM, Aleksej Efimov wrote:
>> Hi,
>> The new version of patch for TimeZone display names update is 
>> available. Previous webrev contains incorrect naming for Acre 
>> timezone generic name (ACT[] array) across all non-root locales. The 
>> name was corrected and test TimeZoneNames_*.properties files were 
>> modified accordingly.
>> The new webrev: 
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~aefimov/8025051/8/webrev.02/ 
>> <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/%7Eaefimov/8025051/8/webrev.02/>
>> -Aleksej
>> On 12/20/2013 03:39 PM, Aleksej Efimov wrote:
>>> Masayoshi,
>>> Thank you for the detailed review and your comments. I tried to 
>>> address all of them. The responses are below. The new webrev can be 
>>> found here: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~aefimov/8025051/8/webrev.01/ 
>>> <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/%7Eaefimov/8025051/8/webrev.01/>
>>> Michael,
>>> As Masayoshi mentioned, we have a list of inconsistent translations 
>>> in translation files. I suggest two approaches to resolve it: 1. Log 
>>> different bug with all problems in translation files. 2. Wait for 
>>> the next resource file translation update to address these problems.
>>> -Aleksej
>>> On 12/19/2013 12:04 PM, Masayoshi Okutsu wrote:
>>>> On 12/18/2013 6:43 PM, Aleksej Efimov wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> Please help to review a fix [1] for 8025051 bug [2]. The following 
>>>>> fix includes:
>>>> Common to all modified files:
>>>> - All year ranges in the copyright header should be modified 
>>>> accordingly.
>>> Fixed.
>>>>>  - The translation of time zone generic names were added to all 
>>>>> locales.
>>>> I haven't fully reviewed translations, especially all \uxxxx 
>>>> strings. But I noticed the following.
>>>> Common to all TimeZoneNames_*.java:
>>>> - The same generic abbreviation is used for the long name in MET. I 
>>>> thought this was fixed in the root properties...
>>> No, the "MET" is used in root properties both for generic long and 
>>> short names. I will update these names when new translation update 
>>> will be available.
>>>> - Some generic names don't match the style of their standard and/or 
>>>> daylight time names.
>>> The same as previous. This is a first large update for generic names 
>>> and latest translations. All inconsistency in translations will be 
>>> fixed during next translation update.
>>>> src/share/classes/sun/util/resources/de/TimeZoneNames_de.java:
>>>> - Some generic names use "Normalzeit". Is that OK?
>>> It's not good. But the resolution is same as previous two.
>>>> src/share/classes/sun/util/resources/ja/TimeZoneNames_ja.java:
>>>> - "Chuuk Time" isn't translated.
>>> I think it will be translated in next translations update.
>>>>>  - Time Zone names were updated according to the latest translations.
>>>>>  - Added tz names regression test 
>>>>> (test/sun/util/resources/TimeZone/TimeZoneNames) for a timezone 
>>>>> names across all locales. This test compares short/long 
>>>>> standard/daylight/generic names with translations stored in 
>>>>> .properties files.
>>>> test/sun/util/resources/TimeZone/TimeZoneNames/TimeZoneNamesTest.java:
>>>> - lines 33, 34: unused imports?
>>> Removed
>>>> - line 75: Should it be detected as an error?
>>> Agree, now the test will fail if there is some incorrect entries in 
>>> the test .properties files.
>>>> - line 108: IOException should be used as a cause. (OK to assume 
>>>> "not found"?)
>>> The IOException cause is added. Currently, the test will stop with 
>>> RuntimeException, because the test file is not found.
>>>> - lines 118 -121: Locale.getDefault() has to be replaced with 
>>>> Locale.ROOT. Regression tests are run in different locales.
>>> Thank you for catching this one. Fixed.
>>>>>  - Tests updates to address current changes ( 
>>>>> GenericTimeZoneNamesTest.sh and Bug6317929.java).
>>>> The TODO comment in GenericTimeZoneNamesTest.sh should fully been 
>>>> removed.
>>> Removed
>>>>> The following fix was tested with JPRT build and the 'jdk_util' 
>>>>> test set succeeded (new test is included in this test set).
>>>> Have you executed all date-time related regression tests (including 
>>>> java.time and java.text)?
>>> Yes, I have executed the following set of tests via JTREG:
>>> test/sun/util/calendar test/java/util/Calendar 
>>> test/sun/util/resources/TimeZone test/sun/util/calendar 
>>> test/closed/java/util/TimeZone test/java/util/TimeZone
>>>  test/java/time  test/java/util/Formatter 
>>> test/closed/java/util/Calendar
>>> All tests gave "PASS" results.
>>> Please, let me know if you think that some other tests should be 
>>> executed.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Masayoshi
>>>>> [1] http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~aefimov/8025051/8/webrev.00/
>>>>> [2] https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8025051

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