<i18n dev> Add Arabic Language -- or other languages to rt.jar

Michael Fang michael.fang at oracle.com
Tue Nov 19 20:33:24 PST 2013

Thanks Nashwan.

I did not receive reply from other people (ex: developers from RedHat or 
Ubuntu who might be interested in translating to some languages they 
support in the Linux distributions), so it's not clear about the 
interest for other languages.

Hopefully we can figure out a common set of files people would like to 
work on. I would start with just rt.jar (or a subset of it, just the 
most frequently used properties files) for now when I update the 
instruction. I need more time to look into the file list.



On 13年11月16日 07:36 上午, Nashwan Doaqan wrote:
> Hi Michael,
> An updated list of instructions will be great! .. Actually we plan to 
> translate *all* the needed strings in JRE and JDK .. but for now we 
> will start with the resource files in rt.jar
> On 15 November 2013 20:42, Michael Fang <michael.fang at oracle.com 
> <mailto:michael.fang at oracle.com>> wrote:
>     Hi Nashwan,
>     We provided localization instructions around JDK6/7 time at the
>     following URL:
>     http://openjdk.java.net/groups/i18n/
>     However, there was lack of interest, so we did not continue with
>     the project. The instructions is outdated now. If there is still
>     interest in adding translation for various languages to openjdk,
>     we need come up with updated instruction and process.
>     About the files to translate, I suspect most people are only
>     interested in translating resource files in rt.jar (or a subset of
>     it). Is this what you have in mind? Below is a list of (for
>     example) Spanish files in rt.jar
>     % jar tvf rt.jar | grep _es
>       5267 Tue Nov 12 00:22:22 PST 2013
>     com/sun/accessibility/internal/resources/accessibility_es.class
>       3067 Tue Nov 12 00:22:22 PST 2013
>     com/sun/java/swing/plaf/gtk/resources/gtk_es.class
>       2079 Tue Nov 12 00:22:22 PST 2013
>     com/sun/java/swing/plaf/motif/resources/motif_es.class
>       2492 Tue Nov 12 00:22:22 PST 2013
>     com/sun/java/swing/plaf/windows/resources/windows_es.class
>      39865 Tue Nov 12 00:19:26 PST 2013
>     com/sun/org/apache/xalan/internal/res/XSLTErrorResources_es.class
>      15393 Tue Nov 12 00:19:24 PST 2013
>     com/sun/org/apache/xalan/internal/xsltc/compiler/util/ErrorMessages_es.class
>       3541 Tue Nov 12 00:19:26 PST 2013
>     com/sun/org/apache/xalan/internal/xsltc/runtime/ErrorMessages_es.class
>       2728 Tue Nov 12 00:19:28 PST 2013
>     com/sun/org/apache/xerces/internal/impl/msg/XMLMessageFormatter_es.class
>      10387 Tue Nov 12 00:19:20 PST 2013
>     com/sun/org/apache/xml/internal/res/XMLErrorResources_es.class
>       4869 Tue Nov 12 00:19:20 PST 2013
>     com/sun/org/apache/xml/internal/serializer/utils/SerializerMessages_es.class
>       1319 Tue Nov 12 00:19:22 PST 2013
>     com/sun/org/apache/xml/internal/utils/res/XResources_es.class
>      21838 Tue Nov 12 00:19:22 PST 2013
>     com/sun/org/apache/xpath/internal/res/XPATHErrorResources_es.class
>       9121 Tue Nov 12 00:22:22 PST 2013
>     com/sun/swing/internal/plaf/basic/resources/basic_es.class
>       2810 Tue Nov 12 00:22:22 PST 2013
>     com/sun/swing/internal/plaf/metal/resources/metal_es.class
>       2350 Tue Nov 12 00:22:22 PST 2013
>     com/sun/swing/internal/plaf/synth/resources/synth_es.class
>      16476 Tue Nov 12 00:21:50 PST 2013
>     sun/applet/resources/MsgAppletViewer_es.class
>      10391 Tue Nov 12 00:22:24 PST 2013 sun/awt/resources/awt_es.class
>       7926 Tue Nov 12 00:22:24 PST 2013
>     sun/launcher/resources/launcher_es.class
>       5806 Tue Nov 12 00:22:24 PST 2013
>     sun/management/resources/agent_es.class
>        934 Tue Nov 12 00:21:56 PST 2013
>     sun/misc/resources/Messages_es.class
>       9073 Tue Nov 12 00:22:22 PST 2013
>     sun/print/resources/serviceui_es.class
>      25305 Tue Nov 12 00:21:58 PST 2013
>     sun/security/tools/keytool/Resources_es.class
>       7661 Tue Nov 12 00:21:58 PST 2013
>     sun/security/tools/policytool/Resources_es.class
>       5668 Tue Nov 12 00:21:58 PST 2013
>     sun/security/util/AuthResources_es.class
>       7560 Tue Nov 12 00:21:58 PST 2013
>     sun/security/util/Resources_es.class
>       3468 Tue Nov 12 00:22:24 PST 2013
>     sun/tools/jar/resources/jar_es.class
>        760 Tue Nov 12 00:22:24 PST 2013
>     sun/util/logging/resources/logging_es.class
>     thanks,
>     -michael
>     On 13年11月14日 03:08 下午, Naoto Sato wrote:
>         Hi Nashwan,
>         As to whether Java supports Arabic or not, it *does* support
>         Arabic as follows:
>         http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/javase7locales-334809.html
>         However, you are right that Arabic translations for those UIs
>         are not included in the run time.
>         Naoto
>         On 13-11-14 上午6:08, Nashwan Doaqan wrote:
>             Hi Everyone, I am Nashwan Doaqan a Web Developer from
>             Yemen, I was
>             wondering with some of my friends why the Arabic language
>             is not supported?!
>             I am The Arabic Validator in the WordPress project, and I
>             can help you to
>             translate all the strings in Java UI to the Arabic langauge.
>             Best Regrades
>             Nashwan Doaqan

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