<i18n dev> Problems drawing supplemental characters in Java.

Phil Race philip.race at oracle.com
Mon Apr 28 20:29:25 UTC 2014

Sorry .. I have been out on vacation .. and before that over-looked this 
email anyway.

I do not have a workaround here.

I had supposed the emoji fonts provide the colour image as an 
alternative that some
APIs understand and that any code asking directly for a normal glyph 
image would get it
but I'd have to investigate what is happening in JDK code and how this 
can be resolved.
Perhaps the emoji can be co-erced into being an ImageGraphicAttribute and we
can use TextLayout to handle it but I suspect there'll be snags ..

Obviously the crash needs to be looked at .. surprised no one has 
reported that before.


On 4/28/2014 6:51 AM, Mark Davis ☕️ wrote:
> Ping... Any workaround for Java not being able to draw these characters?
> Mark <https://google.com/+MarkDavis>
> /
> /
> /— Il meglio è l’inimico del bene —/
> //
> On 10 April 2014 14:45, Mark Davis ☕️ <mark at macchiato.com 
> <mailto:mark at macchiato.com>> wrote:
>     One further question.
>     On the Mac, some characters are given a default emoji
>     presentation, and appear with a colored image. This is done by
>     substituting the glyph from the Apple Color Emoji.
>     With drawString(), when I try to draw a character in (say) Symbola
>     that by default on the Mac is emoji, the font says
>     .canDisplay(...) is true, but I get no image, just blank. It's
>     like drawing a space.
>     If I try to draw /any/ character in Apple Color Emoji, I get a
>     blank as well.
>     Is there any way to work around this, and use the Apple Color Emoji?
>     Note: I tried using a JTextArea to work around this. When I
>     changed the existing TextAreaDemo.java to add the following 2
>     lines, it crashed!
>     textArea.setFont(*new* Font("Apple Color Emoji", 0, 18));
>     textArea.setText("abc��def");
>     Same happens if the setText line is omitted, and if you simply
>     paste in an emoji character into the running program.
>     Mark <https://google.com/+MarkDavis>
>     /
>     /
>     /— Il meglio è l’inimico del bene —/
>     //

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