<i18n dev> [9] RFR: 8061382: Separate CLDR locale data from JRE locale data

Naoto Sato naoto.sato at oracle.com
Tue Oct 21 00:25:19 UTC 2014

On 10/20/14, 12:49 AM, Alan Bateman wrote:
> Will it eventually be possible to create a runtime that has the CLDR
> locale data but does not have the legacy JRE locale data? I'm assuming
> the CLDR does not have any dependences on the classes in the JRE locale
> data.

Yes, that should be possible in the future. In fact, that's the whole 
purpose of separating CLDR into a single module.

> My motive for the question is the naming because the changes mean we
> have jdk.localedata and jdk.localedata.cldr, an arrangement that
> suggests that the CLDR locale data augments the jdk.localedata module.
> It may be that we need to choose more suitable names for these two
> modules and this will impact the source layout.

I think we can rename the original jdk.localedata to jdk.localedata.jre 
solely for the legacy JRE locale data, and create the new 
jdk.localedata.cldr. Or re-purpose jdk.localedata to represent the 
legacy JRE locale data, and newly create jdk.cldrlocaledata for the CLDR 
data. Either way they won't suggest the augmentation you refer.


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