<i18n dev> [9] RFR 8038436: Re-examine the mechanism to determine available localedata and cldrdata

Naoto Sato naoto.sato at oracle.com
Tue Sep 2 17:31:52 UTC 2014

On 8/30/14, 5:47 AM, Alan Bateman wrote:
> On 29/08/2014 22:07, Naoto Sato wrote:
>> I incorporated the suggestions from Mandy and Alan. Also one change
>> since the last webrev was to revert the hard-coding of the supported
>> locales list back to the one which dynamically generates the lists at
>> the build time. I initially thought static listing of locales would be
>> less complex as to the build script/makefile, but on second thought
>> it's less evil than possible future regressions.
>> Please review:
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~naoto/8038436/webrev.5/
> I think this looks okay and I assume you'll create another issue to
> re-examine the error handling as I do think that does need to be looked
> at again (my main concern is that it will silently failover and that
> could be very hard to diagnose).

Created an issue: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8057075

> One comment on the test Bug8038436 is that it sets java.ext.dirs on the
> assumption that the locale and cldr data wouldn't be found. I suspect
> this will need to be re-worked once we get to the point of linking
> modules into the image. It may be that the ext directory is empty by
> default (localdata.jar and cldrdata.jar will not exist).

Yes. Will address this when I work on 8048588.


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