<i18n dev> The procedure to get the list of supported languages/locales extended

Nishit Jain nishit.jain at oracle.com
Thu Apr 14 11:02:57 UTC 2016

Hi Sergey,

Thanks for asking the question. We were discussing it withing our team 
and need a little more clarification on that.
Can you please throw some light on what do you mean by adding a resource 
bundle to OpenJDK? Do you mean to add a new Locale in itself (which 
covers set of locale sensitive classes e.g. Currency, Calendar, Collator 
etc.) to OpenJDK or just a set of translations for a language? An 
example on that would be very helpful.

Nishit Jain
On 4/9/2016 9:30 AM, USHAKOV, Sergey wrote:
> Hi,
> Oracle JDK and OpenJDK offer internationalized resources for quite a 
> number of languages, but there are more languages out there.
> There is no big deal for an enthusiastic bilingual programmer in 
> translating JDK resource bundles into any other language.
> Then the question comes how this new bundle might be incorporated into 
> OpenJDK.
> The main i18n page here ( http://openjdk.java.net/groups/i18n/ ) does 
> contain instructions for making a custom OpenJDK build with extra 
> locale support, but this procedure yields just a single build, only 
> known to its author, and with no long-time support...
> Is there a procedure for OpenJDK to get the list of supported 
> languages extended, and corresponding resource bundles incorporated 
> into the main repository?
> Any ideas and/or references are most welcome...
> Thanks and best regards,
> Sergey Ushakov

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