<i18n dev> RFR: JDK-8167143:CLDR timezone parsing does not work for all locales

Rachna Goel rachna.goel at oracle.com
Wed Dec 21 13:10:43 UTC 2016


Please review fix for JDK-8167143.

Bug : https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8167143

patch : http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~rgoel/JDK-8167143/webrev.03/index.html

Fix : Timezone Parsing failures reasons are different for different locales.
a) For Chinese Locales, At run time, as these locales are not declared 
to be supported from CLDR, so COMPAT Locales precede them during 
resourcebundle search path at run time.
So, for [ zh-Hans-CN zh-Hant-HK zh-Hant-MO zh-Hant-TW zh-Hans-SG]  these 
likely subtags are  added for CLDR Provider.

b) For Thai locales, in DateFormatSymbols class, if SimpleDateForamt 
instance for th_TH_TH locale, happens to be created first, then current 
code is unconditionally
caching JRE's th_TH bundle which is wrong behaviour.

c) For zh__Hant and zh__Hans locales, retrieved list of candidate 
locales is not appropriate. zh_TW_Hant and zh_CN_Hans should not be 
first candidate locale to be looked up for those cases respectively.

d) locales nb-NO and nn-NO which are equivalent of no-NO-NY should be 
declared as implicit locales for COMPAT for all providers.


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