<i18n dev> [9] RFR: Host Locale Provider Adapter fixes on Windows

Naoto Sato naoto.sato at oracle.com
Mon Jan 4 19:10:52 UTC 2016


I fixed several bugs in Windows' host locale provider adapter:

8039301: [ja] Host Locale Provider uses non-translated Calendar field names
8039969: Old Korean Calendar conflicts with Host Locale
8049835: [ar/HOST adapter] Hijri calendar era is used but date number 
follows gregorian
8054010: [HOST provider, not gregory] Return NULL when calling 
Calendar.getDisplayNames for Calendar.ERA
8054482: [HOST provider] only return standalone-style month display name
8055258: [HOST provider] Short era display name is not returned

The gist of those issues was due to the fact that Windows host adapter 
did not implement CalendarNameProvider. The proposed changes are located at:



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