<i18n dev> [9] RFR: Host Locale Provider Adapter fixes on Windows

Naoto Sato naoto.sato at oracle.com
Tue Jan 5 17:44:05 UTC 2016

Thanks. Will fix the copyright year before the push.


On 1/4/16 8:36 PM, Masayoshi Okutsu wrote:
> The copyright year should be 2016 now. Otherwise, the fixes look OK to me.
> Masayoshi
> On 1/5/2016 4:10 AM, Naoto Sato wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I fixed several bugs in Windows' host locale provider adapter:
>> 8039301: [ja] Host Locale Provider uses non-translated Calendar field
>> names
>> 8039969: Old Korean Calendar conflicts with Host Locale
>> 8049835: [ar/HOST adapter] Hijri calendar era is used but date number
>> follows gregorian
>> 8054010: [HOST provider, not gregory] Return NULL when calling
>> Calendar.getDisplayNames for Calendar.ERA
>> 8054482: [HOST provider] only return standalone-style month display name
>> 8055258: [HOST provider] Short era display name is not returned
>> The gist of those issues was due to the fact that Windows host adapter
>> did not implement CalendarNameProvider. The proposed changes are
>> located at:
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~naoto/8039301.8039969.8049835.8054010.8054482.8055258/webrev.00/
>> Naoto

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