<i18n dev> Request for Review: JDK-8165296: update i18n test cases in test/java/util/

Nancy Nigam nancy.nigam at oracle.com
Mon Nov 14 07:13:19 UTC 2016


Please review the fix for JDK-8165296.

Bug : https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8165296 

Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~nishjain/Nancy/8165296/webrev.07/

Fix : Updated I18n test cases in test/java/util/ for deprecated APIs and 
data structures. Generics, Lambda Expressions, Streams and 
AutoBoxing/Unboxing are used wherever necessary.
Some formatting changes have also been done as per the current style 

Nancy Nigam

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