<i18n dev> [9] RFR: 8178412: Doc link updates for i18n

Kumar Srinivasan kumar.x.srinivasan at oracle.com
Tue Apr 25 18:27:33 UTC 2017

Hi Naoto,

I understand the docs team have created the key, also
the description need not be in quotes, for future reference,
if that was intentional that is fine.

Changes look fine to me.


> Hi Kumar,
> Would you please review the changes to the following issue?
> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8178412
> The proposed changeset is located at:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~naoto/8178412/webrev.00/
> It is basically replacing the i18n related doc links in the JDK 
> javadoc with the new @extLink tag to refer to the external documents, 
> enabled with your change (8178725).
> Naoto

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