<i18n dev> RFR 8209184: JDK8 ResourceBundle vulnerable to GC (fix included)

mandy chung mandy.chung at oracle.com
Tue Aug 14 15:24:36 UTC 2018

Hi Adam,

Have you tried Peter's suggestion if an empty static method taking an
Object parameter?  Does it work for you?

Your proposed approach seems fine and I would suggest to put the
check in a static keepAlive method that will make it explicitly.


On 8/10/18 8:42 AM, Adam Farley8 wrote:
> Hi All,
> This bug could be fixed by comparing the Class Loader with a blank
> static volatile Object (defined outside the method scope) at the
> end of the getBundleImpl class.
> E.g.
> -----------------------------------------
> +1322
>      /**
>       * volatile reference object to guard the ClassLoader object
>       * being garbage collected before getBundleImpl() method completes
>       * the caching and retrieving of requested Resourcebundle object
>       */
>      private static volatile Object vo = new Object();
> +1400
> //Should never be true. Using the loader here prevents it being GC'd.
>              if (loader == vo) throw new Error("Unexpected error.");
> -----------------------------------------
> Will upload a webrev after debate.
> - Adam
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