<i18n dev> ResourceBundleControlProvider replacement for java 9?
mandy chung
mandy.chung at oracle.com
Fri Jan 12 23:21:56 UTC 2018
Let me try to see if I understand your situation correctly.
On 1/12/18 12:59 PM, Romain Manni-Bucau wrote:
> All are com.company.*
>> Assuming service packages use a resource bundle.
team1, team2, team3 all uses a resource bundle. Let's say
com.company.team1.service calls
>> Now translations are in http://i18n.company.com/translations
>> <http://i18n.company.com/translations> and the team providing the
>> key/values is team4 with no access to team1, team2 and team3
>> sources normally.
team4 provides the key/values of "com.company.resources.Team1". team4
and team1 will agree on the content of this resource bundle e.g. key
names and the value if any text format.
I assume your ResourceBundleControlProvider implementation returns a
Control instance that implements newBundle method to return a
ResourceBundle for
One migration solution is to use ResourceBundleProvider. The steps it
takes are
(1) define a SPI for each bundle named
(2) reuse your existing Control.newBundle implementation to implement
ResourceBundleProvider::getBundle to return the requested
ResourceBundle. This assumes in team4 module
(3) when migrating team1.jar to a named module, the module definition
declares uses com.company.resources.spi.Team1Provider
team4 module can have one single provider implementation for more than
one resource bundle.
Does this help? I can see it takes some amount of work. How many
resource bundles do your application have? It'd be good if you give a
try and send us feedback.
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