<i18n dev> [11]RFR:JDK-8206965: java/util/TimeZone/Bug8149452.java failed on de_DE and ja_JP locale.

naoto.sato at oracle.com naoto.sato at oracle.com
Wed Jul 25 17:46:30 UTC 2018

Looks good.


On 7/25/18 10:03 AM, Rachna Goel wrote:
> Hi,
> Kindly review fix for JDK-8206965.
> Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8206965
> patch: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~rgoel/JDK-8206965/webrev.06/
> This is a regression caused by JDK-8181157 due to which for some 
> locales,  timezone display names were not getting generated.
> Generating fallback names for missing timezones at runtime would solve 
> this issue.

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