<i18n dev> <AWT Dev> Proposal: Windows IME related patch

Phil Race philip.race at oracle.com
Thu Jun 14 17:26:54 UTC 2018

This should go to i18n-dev as well.


On 06/14/2018 10:14 AM, Ichiroh Takiguchi wrote:
> Hello,
> IBM would like to contribute Windows IME related Java Input Method 
> Framework patch to OpenJDK project.
> Issue:
> This patch can fix following issues.
> A: Cannot display surrogate pair character on Windows floating IME 
> window for passive component
> B: Control Windows IME status by using InputSubset and UnicodeBlock 
> for CJK countries
> C: Check preedit string availability for Windows Chinese IME
> To recreate each issue.
> Issue A:
> 1. Run SwingSet2 Java demo program with Japanese IME.
> 2. Click InternalFrameDemo's "Frame 0".
> 3. Turn on Japanese IME, then type "2000B" and press F5 key.
> The character is not displayed properly. [1]
> Issue B:
> Test program (ImSubsetsTest.java) is as follow:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~aleonard/winime/ImSubsetsTest.java
> 1. Compile and run ImSubsetsTest with CJK IMEs
> 2. Select language (ja:Japanese, ko:Korean, zh: Chinese).
> Windows IME (same langugae's one) should be turned on.
> 3. Click  JTextField (active component) or JButton (passive component)
> (Please check IM status is changed or not)
> 4. Click different color's JTextField (active component) or JButton 
> (passive component)
> (Please check IM status is changed or not)
> 5. Following operations did not work
> Issue C:
> Test program is as follows:
> ======
> import javax.swing.*;
> public class IMFTestA extends JFrame {
>   IMFTestA(int width, int height, int x, int y) {
>     super("JTextArea");
>     add(new JTextArea());
>     setSize(width, height);
>     setLocation(x, y);
>     setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);
>     setVisible(true);
>   }
>   public static void main(String[] args) {
>     new IMFTestA(300, 200, 0, 0);
>     new IMFTestA(300, 200, 300, 0);
>   }
> }
> ======
> On Chinese IME (Microsoft Pinyin ABC),
> 1. Compile and run IMFTestA
> 2. Click one of JTextArea window, turn ON Chinese IME
> 3. Click the other window, turn ON Chinese IME
> 4. Type "nihao", then preedit string is displayed
> 5. Click the other window, turn OFF Chinese IME
> 6. Click the other window, preedit string is still displayed but it's 
> not convertable
> Reason:
> Issue A, proper font is not specified for passive component
> Issue B, IME mode setting for CJK Windows IME is not correct
> Issue C, Chinese Windows IME shares IME status between windows, Java 
> needs to check preedit string is available or not
> I'd like contribute following 3 files:
> M src/java.desktop/windows/classes/sun/awt/windows/WInputMethod.java
> M src/java.desktop/windows/native/libawt/windows/awt_Component.cpp
> M src/java.desktop/windows/native/libawt/windows/awt_InputMethod.cpp
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~aleonard/winime/webrev.00/
> I appreciate any feedback please, and how I would go about obtaining a 
> sponsor and contributor?
> [1] http://unicode.org/cgi-bin/GetUnihanData.pl?codepoint=2000B
> Thanks,
> Ichiroh Takiguchi
> IBM Japan, Ltd.

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