<i18n dev> [11] Review Request: 8202696 glyphs in textfield only shown when thai baht-character is added

Phil Race philip.race at oracle.com
Wed Jun 20 17:28:21 UTC 2018

+1 (approved).


On 06/18/2018 12:29 AM, Dipak Kumar wrote:
> Hi Phil,
> I am able to make the test automated after incorporating your suggestion to limit the test case to logical fonts.
> I observed that "canDisplayUpTo()" which internally uses "canDisplay()" does return expected values for logical fonts.
> Thanks for your guidance.
> Please find the updated webrev at http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dkumar/8202696/webrev.02/ .
> Request you to review it again and let me know your comments.
> Thanks,
> Dipak
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Phil Race
> Sent: 16 June 2018 00:11
> To: Dipak Kumar <dipak.kumar at oracle.com>; 2d-dev at openjdk.java.net; i18n-dev at openjdk.java.net; Naoto Sato <naoto.sato at oracle.com>
> Subject: Re: [11] Review Request: 8202696 glyphs in textfield only shown when thai baht-character is added
> The exclusion ranges only apply to the logical fonts, so the iteration you are doing looking for any font is now not testing the case you are trying to fix, except by chance. You will need to limit the iteration to the logical fonts.
> I don't know why canDisplay(..) did not do what I would expect ..
> particularly
> since canDisplayUpTo should be using the same information.
> -phil.
> On 06/14/2018 12:07 AM, Dipak Kumar wrote:
>> Hi Phil,
>> Thanks for reviewing the patch and providing useful information.
>> Regarding your suggestion of using "canDisplay()" in test, I tried using this function to make the test headless.
>> But this function is returning true even without proposed fix in fontconfig.properties file. Font exclusion is not coming into picture in this function call.
>> In the previously written test case, I have added a check for font support (whether characters can be displayed or not using function "canDisplayUpTo()").
>> Please find the updated webrev at http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dkumar/8202696/webrev.01/ .
>> Request you to have a look into this again and let me know your inputs.
>> Many thanks,
>> Dipak
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Phil Race
>> Sent: 13 June 2018 03:26
>> To: Dipak Kumar <dipak.kumar at oracle.com>; 2d-dev at openjdk.java.net;
>> i18n-dev at openjdk.java.net; Naoto Sato <naoto.sato at oracle.com>
>> Subject: Re: [11] Review Request: 8202696 glyphs in textfield only
>> shown when thai baht-character is added
>> BTW I think the synopsis really needs updating !
>> Once you know what is going on, continuing to title it after the random empirical observation of the reporter is not necessary. I've changed it to :
>> "Remove exclusion range for phonetic chars in windows fontconfig.properties"
>> Please use that in the commit - when you get to it.
>> -phil.
>> On 06/12/2018 01:46 PM, Phil Race wrote:
>>> I can only guess why this range was excluded.
>>> My guess is that it was something to do with an attempt at allowing
>>> as many of these glyphs as possible to come from (for example) a
>>> Chinese font in a chinese locale even though we always put the latin
>>> font first ..
>>> The interesting reason why adding a Thai Baht magically makes them
>>> appears is Thai forces TextLayout .. and it (apparently) bypasses the
>>> exclusion range.
>>> I suspect this is because layout needs to operate on physical fonts
>>> so gets the list of physical fonts and operates on these explicitly
>>> bypassing CompositeFont which is where this support exists.
>>> You can prove that just by using one of these phonetic chars in
>>> Font2DTest without adding Thai or anything else and switching to
>>> TextLayout .. lo and behold .. it appears.
>>> I wonder how long that has been the case ? Perhaps so long as to be
>>> effectively forever ..
>>> That makes a case for getting rid of all these ranges.
>>> The use for the ranges is to control what physical font is used for
>>> glyphs in cases where some font that may be "earlier" in the list
>>> supplies glyphs that you'd actually prefer to come from some other
>>> font.
>>> That may be useful if the exclusion ranges were able to be applied
>>> depending on your locale, but this alphabetic exclusion is
>>> particularly questionable.
>>> So the change is OK, but can't the test be automated .. and headless ?
>>> You just need to do something like ask if the font "canDisplay()"
>>> these code points.
>>> However the test is fragile in the sense that it assumes that logical
>>> fonts on Windows are capable of supporting them.
>>> -phil
>>> On 06/04/2018 11:32 PM, Dipak Kumar wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Please review below fix :
>>>> Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8202696
>>>> Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dkumar/8202696/webrev.00/
>>>> Characters which are not getting displayed actually belong to
>>>> Phonetic Extensions
>>>> (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phonetic_Extensions ).
>>>> These characters are not getting rendered properly because they are
>>>> in exclusion range mentioned in the windows.fontconfig.properties file.
>>>> In the above fix, font exclusion ranges have been adjusted so that
>>>> these characters do not fall within these ranges
>>>> Font related Jtreg tests and Mach5 client tests are fine.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Dipak

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