<i18n dev> [11] RFR: 8202088: Japanese new era implementation

Naoto Sato naoto.sato at oracle.com
Thu May 24 15:45:20 UTC 2018

Found an issue on retrieving the localized era name for 
java.util.Calendar. The reason is that even we provide the l10n in our 
own resource bundles, the current CLDR does not provide the name (duh!). 
Added a fallback to COMPAT provider in such a case.

Here is the updated webrev:



On 5/18/18 3:26 PM, naoto.sato at oracle.com wrote:
> Hi Roger, thank you for the comments.
> On 5/18/18 11:11 AM, Roger Riggs wrote:
>> Hi Naoto,
>> Is there a reference to the official description or anticipation of 
>> the new Era?
> AFAIK, the most recent information was for Japanese Govt. to announce 
> the new era name one month prior to the ascension. This is indeed the 
> reason I decided to introduce the placeholder.
>> JapaneseImperialCalendar: 134 NEWERA = 5;   (The real name can also be 
>> defined later; but still might be more unique as ERA_MAY_1_2019.)
> I wanted to keep the name "NEWERA" for the convenience when they are to 
> be replaced with the real name. I changed the access modifier to 
> "private", though.
>> Syntax style:
>>   - TCKJapaneseChronology:692: align the  columns of decimal values.
>>   - TestJapaneseChronology:61-62: space before the '}' brackets
>>      :89: extra space before '}'  //  inconsistent within the file but 
>> local consistency is good
>> TestUmmAlQuraChronology: there might be test dates that would not 
>> require more changes later when the era name changes.
> Fixed as suggested. The updated webrev is here:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~naoto/8202088/webrev.02/
> Naoto
>> Regards, Roger
>> On 5/17/18 4:31 PM, Naoto Sato wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Please review the changes to the subject issue:
>>> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8202088
>>> The proposed change is located at:
>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~naoto/8202088/webrev.01/
>>> This is the implementation part of the upcoming Japanese new era, 
>>> starting from May 1st, 2019. Current anticipation is that the new 
>>> name won't be known till one month prior to the beginning of the era. 
>>> So it's not possible to make changes to the JDK with the proper name. 
>>> Instead, here we are going to implement the new era with a place 
>>> holder name which will be immediately replaced with the proper name 
>>> once it's known. The CSR is currently under review:
>>> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8202336
>>> Naoto

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