<i18n dev> RFR[12]: 8211393 Memory leak issue on awt_InputMethod.c

Ichiroh Takiguchi takiguc at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Tue Oct 2 16:30:29 UTC 2018

Could you review memory leak fix ?

Bug:    https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8211393
Change: https://cr.openjdk.java.net/~itakiguchi/8211393/webrev.00/

I'd like to obtain a sponsor for this issue.

Ichiroh Takiguchi
IBM Japan, Ltd.

On 2018-07-23 21:24, Ichiroh Takiguchi wrote:
> Hello.
> I'd like to change target to "JDK12".
> I'd like to obtain a sponsor for this patch.
> Thanks,
> Ichiroh Takiguchi
> IBM Japan, Ltd.
> On 2018-06-28 22:13, Ichiroh Takiguchi wrote:
>> Hello.
>> In my investigation, this issue only happens on 64 bit build only...
>> On 2018-06-28 06:06, Phil Race wrote:
>>> On 06/27/2018 06:45 AM, Ichiroh Takiguchi wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I should post this mail before starting JDK11 RDP1.
>>> Already too too late for that, but although this looks like a bug -
>>> and the correct fix -
>>> the bug has been there forever .. since JDK 1.2  in 1998 !
>>> That makes it a 20 year old bug, so I don't think we need to treat it 
>>> as urgent
>>> for JDK 11.
>>> -phil.
>>>> I found memory leak issue on awt_InputMethod.c.
>>>> See src/java.desktop/unix/native/libawt_xawt/awt/awt_InputMethod.c.
>>>> On line 1117, memory area was allocated by malloc(), but free() is 
>>>> missing
>>>> ===========================================
>>>>   1099          if (text->feedback != NULL) {
>>>>   1100              int cnt;
>>>>   1101              jint *tmpstyle;
>>>>   1102
>>>>   1103              style = (*env)->NewIntArray(env, text->length);
>>>>   1104              if (JNU_IsNull(env, style)) {
>>>>   1105                  (*env)->ExceptionClear(env);
>>>>   1106                  THROW_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR();
>>>>   1107                  goto finally;
>>>>   1108              }
>>>>   1109
>>>>   1110              if (sizeof(XIMFeedback) == sizeof(jint)) {
>>>>   1111                  /*
>>>>   1112                   * Optimization to avoid copying the array
>>>>   1113                   */
>>>>   1114                  (*env)->SetIntArrayRegion(env, style, 0,
>>>>   1115                                            text->length, 
>>>> (jint *)text->feedback);
>>>>   1116              } else {
>>>>   1117                  tmpstyle  = (jint 
>>>> *)malloc(sizeof(jint)*(text->length));
>>>>   1118                  if (tmpstyle == (jint *) NULL) {
>>>>   1119                      THROW_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR();
>>>>   1120                      goto finally;
>>>>   1121                  }
>>>>   1122                  for (cnt = 0; cnt < (int)text->length; 
>>>> cnt++)
>>>>   1123                          tmpstyle[cnt] = text->feedback[cnt];
>>>>   1124                  (*env)->SetIntArrayRegion(env, style, 0,
>>>>   1125                                            text->length, 
>>>> (jint *)tmpstyle);
>>>>   1126              }
>>>>   1127          }
>>>> ===========================================
>>>> In my investigation, malloc() was called on RHEL7 x86_64 with 
>>>> Japanese Input Method.
>>>> I'd like to obtain a sponsor for this patch.
>>>> --------
>>>> --- 
>>>> old/src/java.desktop/aix/native/libawt_xawt/awt/awt_InputMethod.c 
>>>> 2018-06-27 02:03:48.134991703 +0900
>>>> +++ 
>>>> new/src/java.desktop/aix/native/libawt_xawt/awt/awt_InputMethod.c 
>>>> 2018-06-27 02:03:47.493005265 +0900
>>>> @@ -1148,6 +1148,7 @@
>>>>                          tmpstyle[cnt] = text->feedback[cnt];
>>>>                  (*env)->SetIntArrayRegion(env, style, 0,
>>>>                                            text->length, (jint 
>>>> *)tmpstyle);
>>>> +                free(tmpstyle);
>>>>              }
>>>>          }
>>>>      }
>>>> --- 
>>>> old/src/java.desktop/unix/native/libawt_xawt/awt/awt_InputMethod.c  
>>>> 2018-06-27 02:03:49.040972563 +0900
>>>> +++ 
>>>> new/src/java.desktop/unix/native/libawt_xawt/awt/awt_InputMethod.c  
>>>> 2018-06-27 02:03:48.391986274 +0900
>>>> @@ -1123,6 +1123,7 @@
>>>>                          tmpstyle[cnt] = text->feedback[cnt];
>>>>                  (*env)->SetIntArrayRegion(env, style, 0,
>>>>                                            text->length, (jint 
>>>> *)tmpstyle);
>>>> +                free(tmpstyle);
>>>>              }
>>>>          }
>>>>      }
>>>> --------
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Ichiroh Takiguchi
>>>> IBM Japan, Ltd.

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