<i18n dev> [15] RFR: 8234347: "Turkey" meta time zone does not generate composed localized names, 8236548: Localized time zone name inconsistency between English and other locales

naoto.sato at oracle.com naoto.sato at oracle.com
Fri Feb 7 21:44:17 UTC 2020


Please review the fix to the following issues:


The proposed changeset is located at:


This changeset includes the following changes:

- English time zone names missing in CLDR source files are no longer 
copied from COMPAT provider at build time. Rather it is synthesized at 
runtime, which has been the way other locales did.

- Runtime CLDR time zone name provider fallback logic has been refined. 
It now falls back to parent locales per each missing name, instead of 
resource bundle. Also, region fall back is now using exemplar city to 
synthesize the name (e.g., "Turkey" meta zone)

- Minor fix in DateTimeFormatterBuilder on zone text parsing. It now 
parses zone texts that start with "UTC", yet it is ZoneId.


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