<i18n dev> RFR: 8271302: Regex Test Refresh [v2]
Pavel Rappo
prappo at openjdk.java.net
Fri Aug 20 13:57:32 UTC 2021
On Wed, 18 Aug 2021 18:35:53 GMT, Ian Graves <igraves at openjdk.org> wrote:
>> 8271302: Regex Test Refresh
> Ian Graves has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional commit since the last revision:
> Couple of fixes
test/jdk/java/util/regex/NegativeArraySize.java line 2:
> 1: /*
> 2: * Copyright (c) 2019, 2021 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Add comma after 2021, or the copyright headers check won't pass.
test/jdk/java/util/regex/NegativeArraySize.java line 29:
> 27: * @summary Pattern.compile() can throw confusing NegativeArraySizeException
> 28: * @requires os.maxMemory >= 5g
> 29: * @run testng/othervm -Xms5G -Xmx5G NegativeArraySize
I note that the order of the arguments has changed. Will that work as expected? Had it worked as expected before?
test/jdk/java/util/regex/NegativeArraySize.java line 40:
> 38: @Test
> 39: public static void testNegativeArraySize() {
> 40: assertThrows(OutOfMemoryError.class, () -> Pattern.compile("\\Q" + "a".repeat(42 + Integer.MAX_VALUE / 3)));
One observation on this regex. Although the regex looks invalid because `\\Q` misses the pairing `\\E`, it can still be compiled (with a reasonable number of a's, of course). Moreover, the resulting pattern matches strings in a surprising way:
jshell> Pattern.compile("\\Qaaa").matcher("aaa").matches()
$1 ==> true
test/jdk/java/util/regex/RegExTest.java line 27:
> 25: * @test
> 26: * @summary tests RegExp framework (use -Dseed=X to set PRNG seed)
> 27: * @author Mike McCloskey
What happened to Mike here? :-)
test/jdk/java/util/regex/RegExTest.java line 121:
> 119: private static void check(String p, String s, boolean expected) {
> 120: Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile(p).matcher(s);
> 121: assertSame(matcher.find(), expected);
Why use `assertSame(Object, Object)`? I would expect `assertEquals(boolean, boolean)`.
test/jdk/java/util/regex/RegExTest.java line 206:
> 204: }
> 205:
> 206: // Regular expression test// Most of the tests are in a file
Mistakenly joined comment lines?
PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/5092
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