<i18n dev> Supporting charset GB18030-2005

Pushkar N Kulkarni pushkar.nk at in.ibm.com
Mon Nov 15 17:53:57 UTC 2021

Hi there,

OpenJDK currently supports version 2000 of the GB18030 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GB_18030) character set viz. GB18030-2000. The character mappings corresponding to Unicode codepoints '\u1E3F' and '\uE7C7' were swapped in a new version of the character set named GB18030-2005. I learn that this corrected a mistake in version 2000. 

OpenJDK does not support version 2005 as yet. Can someone please help me with reasons for the same, if any?

We do have users requesting for 2005 support. While Linux (RHEL 7/8) has moved to supporting GB18030-2005 via glibc, Windows 10 and AIX 7.2 still have GB18030-2000 base. That means OpenJDK cannot move to GB18030-2005 base as yet. However, we can support both the versions until all the supported platforms move to GB18030-2005 base. Would that be an acceptable proposition?

If we can have an enhancement request opened, I'd be glad to contribute the GB18030-2005 charset implementation.

Pushkar N Kulkarni,
Developer, IBM Runtimes

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